Will You Settle for Good?

What’s not to like about good? Plenty, if you look at the following list.

  • Good is a four letter word?
  • It is not as good as better or best.
  • Why settle for good when you can have the best?
  • It must be poor or why would it rank below better and best?
  • The Joneses don’t settle for good, so why should I?

We’ve all seen the comparisons in advertising or decorator magazines.More or less

There is the good sturdy and economical choice stool. It would be serviceable, but it must be bad or less than because it is only $79. I wonder if the paint will hold up? Maybe I should go for the best model at $229? It’s powder-coated. The paint will surely hold up on this one. Well, I really can’t justify purchasing four stools at $229 each! Maybe the better one would do at $149.

You know the routine of justifying because you don’t want to settle for what is only good.

So we may have heard that God is good and we said, “so what?” I want something better; I want the best; I want awesome! I am entitled!

In the last few blogs, we have been exploring awakening our minds to the possibility of getting to know this Father of Glory. Did you know that the same Bible that calls God the Father of Glory also declares God is Good? If beauty is good, why wouldn’t glory be so much better? It  becomes paramount that we have a better idea of the meaning of the word good.

Good is more than it is cracked it up to be!

Good really is amazing! And yes, you are entitled by the blood of Jesus to experience this goodness.

Goodness and glory–they go hand in hand.

Meditate on that for 24 hours.

Come back tomorrow and I’ll break down goodness.

Meanwhile keep declaring! Keep singing! Keep dancing!

Mind! Awaken to Possibility!

Marlee Huber ~ For Your Flourishing Life!

About Your Flourishing Life

As a child, Marlee Huber loved to ramble through gardens sampling juicy berries and delighting in the heady fragrance of roses. As an adult, she thrills at maintaining a country garden in the foothills of the Washington Cascades. Something happened in 2012 that changed everything for Marlee. She followed the love of her life as he bicycled across the continent from their home in the NW to his brother's home in the Virginia. Ninety days later she came home and has never been the same. After photographing the backroads and hamlets across America--all on auto, she came home and took an online photography course, read dozens of books on technique and vision and stepped out into a new career. Her passion is coaching young people to discover their brilliance. She calls it Life-Themes Coaching and during one nearly half-day session, she unpacks what makes you brilliant and one of a kind. Then she matches the discoveries with a photography session where she tells the story of your life with her camera. In her personal life, she is a wife, mother, and grandmother delighting in her flourishing family!
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